When we look at the results gathered from each city’s searches, we can identify Cardiff as being the overall most confident city in the UK. scoring highest in the body Image index. This means that they scored the lowest in all three of the previously stated search terms across the entire U.K.
The Confidence Index is Manchester Private Hospital’s latest campaign focusing on the confidence of 10 of the most highly populated cities within the UK. They have done this by measuring them against each other through the average monthly search volume of a variety of Google search terms such as “Plastic Surgery,” “Botox” and “Lip Filler” when looking at confidence in appearance. When measuring the Confidence in finances, it was decided that the correct search terms to include would be “How to save money,” “How to earn extra money” and measuring the business start-ups per 10,000 population. Gathering these statistics, it allows for a scoring system which ranges between 1 and 10 per search term placement. Once we tally these up and identify the scoring of each city with 30 being the highest overall score, we can then see which city has the most and least confident people.
The lowest overall city, across all metrics was recorded as Birmingham, scoring relatively low in all metrics except for their health index which sees them in third place in the UK.
In terms of Career confidence, London is recorded as having the highest in the U.K. with Bristol having the least in this experiment, although scoring highest in confidence within relationships, while London scored the lowest in confidence with relationships.
From the data gathered for this campaign; we are quickly able to identify which cities appear to have more of their population with body image issues than some others. In Liverpool, there is an average monthly search volume for the terms “Botox” and “lip filler” of 1,029. This is the highest volume of searches for these terms in all the U.K. which signals that, perhaps, many of the individuals searching these terms are interested in undergoing one of these procedures to help boost their body confidence by making alterations to their appearance. On the contrary, the most body confident city had proven to be Cardiff, returning the lowest average monthly searches across all three terms.
When looking into the data around career confidence, it is quite interesting to look at the most and least confident cities in relation to their recorded “confidence” in their prospects and career paths. Having career confidence is very important as it gives an individual assurance in both their purpose and in their financial security. The people of Bristol have the highest average monthly search volume for the terms “CV” and “career change,” suggesting that these searches may be carried out due to a lack of confidence in the individuals current career path.
In contrast, when we look at Cardiff, they tally the least searches for the given terms indicating that the consensus of the people of the Welsh Capital is that they are relatively comfortable within their chosen career path.
It is crucial to take especially good care of your health, be it mental or physical. Based on the search volumes recorded on the confidence index, we can see when comparing these 10 major cities, that the lowest average monthly search for the search term “self-help” is recorded in Leicester at 30 searches on a monthly average. The searches for “gyms near me” and “meditation” are also both relatively low in comparison to other major cities, therefore it may be fair to speculate that there is greater mental and physical health of the residents of Leicester.
In contrast, Leeds has a higher average across all metrics for these searches, for example, The average monthly search volume for “self-help” at 40, with “Meditation” at 590 and “Gym near me” at 6600 .This would allow the speculation that there are more people with poorer mental and physical health than that of the rest of the country.
I believe that this campaign could prove to be incredibly helpful to those struggling with confidence in a variety of areas to have these conversations with the people closest to them. This will then allow them to gain advice in becoming more confident within themselves and their own life or maybe even to simply become more accepting of themselves and where they are at in their life. If you would like to join the conversation, please share #HomeIsWhereTheConfidenceIs.
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