13 Home remedies for Cavities & Tooth ailments

Home remedies for Cavities
Picture of a man with tooth ache : Home remedies for Cavities

Have you ever heard of toothpaste being used to heal tooth aches? Well, here are 13 home remedies for cavities and tooth ailments that use all-natural ingredients such as baking soda, lemon juice, tea tree oil, and coconut oil to help treat all sorts of dental issues, ranging from sensitivity to infection! Read on to learn more about each remedy and how it works.

1) Baking Soda

For an antiseptic and antifungal rinse, combine 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 8 ounces of water. Rinse your mouth after meals to help keep your teeth clean and fight cavities naturally. Keep in mind that Baking Soda can also be used as a replacement toothpaste to make your teeth white naturally from yellow or to help reduce plaque on teeth, which is one of many causes of cavities. Just sprinkle some Baking Soda onto your toothbrush and brush as usual! Make sure you spit out after brushing so you don’t ingest it.

2) Lemon Juice

The citric acid in lemon juice works to balance out your mouth’s pH levels and kill off bacteria. Dab a little of it onto your toothbrush or use as a mouthwash before bed, and wake up with fresh breath. By morning, you should also see fewer cavities on your teeth. If not, make sure to repeat every few days until you notice an improvement.

3) Essential Oils

For the home remedies for cavities, there are many natural options you can try to help with tooth pain and soreness. Add 2-3 drops of peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, or clove oil to a small amount of water. Then gargle it and spit it out or swish in your mouth. You can also mix 1 drop each of peppermint and clove oils with 1/2 teaspoon of raw honey as a quick fix when you’re struggling with intense pain due to tooth sensitivity. Swish that mixture around in your mouth until it dissolves then spit it out. Try not to swallow any of these concoctions since they don’t have FDA approval yet!

4) Honey

All you need is 1 teaspoon of honey and a glass of water. Mix them together until you get a smooth consistency, then apply on your teeth. Leave it like that for about 5 minutes, then rinse it off with water and dry your teeth with a soft towel. The antibacterial properties in honey are great at fighting against tooth decay and plaque while also improving gum health.

5) Coconut Oil

For many of us, brushing our teeth has become part of our morning routine. However, did you know that what we put on a toothbrush can be just as important as how we brush? Be sure to add coconut oil to your hygiene routine because it’s a great alternative to standard toothpaste. Coconut oil not only tastes good, but it also contains lauric acid, which can help ward off bacteria and fight cavities. Just rub some on your toothbrush before bed and start brushing! You’ll notice a difference in both appearance and oral health!

6) Apple Cider Vinegar

Want to give your teeth an extra boost? Add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and swish after brushing. It’s also been shown to neutralize acids in food that can harm teeth over time. In the context of home remedies for cavities, studies have also found that it can prevent dental plaque, so you may want to sip it daily as well. While both are shown to help keep your mouth healthy, be sure not use them both at once—the acidity may harm enamel. As always, check with your dentist before trying any new home remedy on yourself or family members.

7) Yogurt

Studies[1] have shown that eating yogurt with active cultures may help to prevent tooth decay. Try snacking on plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt or adding it to a smoothie. If you can’t tolerate dairy, consider buying a non-dairy alternative like coconut milk yogurt; research suggests that coconut fat helps neutralize acids in your mouth and protects against cavities.

8) Vinegar Water/Paste Mouth Rinse

If you find that you are prone to getting cavities and your dentist has tried everything, consider trying a homemade vinegar/water paste. Mix 1 part white vinegar with 2 parts water. You can use an eyedropper or old medicine syringe to put it into your mouth. It will burn slightly at first as it kills bacteria, but then it should start to feel better after a minute or two. Keep it in there for a minute or two then spit out and rinse out your mouth. Do not swallow!

9) Raw Garlic

This natural antibiotic – an effective agent among home remedies for cavities, can actually kill cavity-causing bacteria, and it’s also a powerful anti-inflammatory. Simply chew on one raw clove after meals, or use a garlic extract to reduce inflammation of your gums, which can lead to cavities. You’ll have fresher breath and healthier teeth in no time! Just make sure you don’t go overboard, since too much garlic can cause mouth ulcers. Don’t worry: It won’t put you in vampire territory; just stay away from raw cloves if they give you an uncomfortable feeling in your mouth.

9) Neem

No, neem is not a type of tree. It’s actually a tropical plant that grows in most parts of India. The tree, which belongs to the mahogany family, has been used in traditional Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for centuries as an antiseptic and to treat toothaches and gum infections. In addition to being used to fight gum disease and tooth decay, neem can also be applied topically on burns, cuts, or skin rashes as an antibiotic salve. Keep some handy just in case you ever need it!

10) Turmeric

This wonderful spice has been used for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. Turmeric is a well-known anti-inflammatory and also a very effective pain reliever. So, if you are suffering from a toothache then try applying some turmeric paste to that area. You will start feeling better in no time at all. If you can’t manage to prepare an entire paste on your own then just add some turmeric powder to a cup of warm milk and drink it while it’s still warm. It is highly recommended that you use organic turmeric because it contains less contaminants than conventional turmeric powders.

11) Licorice root

Licorice root also happens to be on of the best home remedies for cavities. You can use licorice root to cure various kinds of tooth problems. This herb is antibacterial and antifungal, which means it will not only help prevent new cavities from forming but also kill off any existing germs and fungus in your mouth. Plus, it tastes great so you can enjoy it as a tasty tea! There are many recipes out there to try but if you don’t have a recipe or just want something simple, just drop 1 teaspoon of dried licorice root into hot water and let steep 10 minutes before drinking 3 times per day.

12) Elderberry

Most commonly used to make syrups and wines, elderberry is also known as an immune system booster. Its antibiotic properties help treat some bacterial infections, including strep throat and mouth ulcers. Additionally, its antioxidants fight off free radicals that can contribute to tooth decay. Make a tea by adding a few teaspoons of dried berries to boiling water; steep for five minutes; strain and enjoy—you can add honey if you’d like! Other foods rich in antioxidants include blueberries, strawberries, and apples. Coffee: Black coffee is known to aid in oral hygiene due to its antibacterial properties. As strong as it may taste (or smell), it might be just what your teeth need every morning!

13) Spearmint

After brushing your teeth, rinse with a mixture of 1/2 teaspoon of spearmint oil and one cup of water. Not only will it leave your breath smelling fresh, but it can also help eliminate plaque buildup. As an added bonus, it also works to fight gum disease. In fact, according to research published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, applying a solution containing spearmint oil before bed can help reduce gum bleeding by more than 30 percent over a four-week period.